


Enrolling at our school

When enrolling during the year, you will be asked to set aside approximately 1 hour to meet with the Principal or Deputy Principal. This meeting represents the first and most significant phase of the induction process for members new to our school.

In the induction meeting the Principal or Deputy Principal will outline some key aspects of the school, seek your commitment to support the school’s initiatives and share in the vision and ownership of the school. 

Enrolling families will be taken on a tour of the school to view our wonderful facilities and to meet the appropriate teachers. Following this initial induction meeting, student resource scheme and uniform requirements are organised. Most commonly, students are not placed into class the same day the enrolment process has occurred, rather they return the following day fully organised, dressed in their uniform, and mentally prepared for the day. A desk and chair will be organised and an induction buddy will be arranged by the class teacher.

Download our editable enrolment application(PDF 207MB)

Beginning the school year

The first day of school is always a very special day in a child’s life and is full of surprise, wonder, bewilderment and anxiety. For this reason we plan for the day to run as smoothly as possible. You can assist this process by ensuring your child has been enrolled prior to the first day of school. This will ensure a class and teacher has been allocated and that their desk will be waiting for them.

If enrolment forms have already been completed, there is no necessity for parents and students to report to the office. If students have not enrolled prior to Day One, parents/carers and students are asked to report to the office.

Class lists will be displayed near the administration building in the week preceding the start of the school year and on Day One. Teachers will be in attendance during an open afternoon during the week prior to school starting. They will be in the room to receive and welcome your child and help set up his/her desk for the start of school. We find this process allows for students and parents to meet their teacher for the year and also enables a smoother transition to the school year.

If you are a parent of a younger child and he/she is upset by this momentous occasion, it is best that you say goodbye to your child, then leave swiftly. This helps your child understand you are confident that he/she is in a safe place. Unduly delays to your departure can cause more upset for your child.

Last reviewed 25 November 2024
Last updated 18 October 2023